In the process of brewing the beer, we can use city water, pure wate. But can we use rainwater make the beer?
One entrepreneur in Netherlands is working on the project and help
Amsterdam residents capature or use the rainwater to make the beer.
Then think when life gives you lemons, then can make lemonade. Also means make the best out of bad situation.
They have suffered the rainiest month, they are not complaining about the rain. However they decided to take the advantage of the extra water. Because water also is a significant expense for a brewery. Then do the limits also is helpful to save the cost for the brewery. For example makes one liter of larger beer will take about five liters of water.
But the rainwater would be dirty, how could they solve this?
They already worked on the rain-cataching system that can filter the water, so it is safe to drink and make the beer.
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