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Composite hot coagulation and cold coagulation

Composite hot coagulation and cold coagulation

Hot coagulation

The composite shaped by protein and polyphenols or by protein and polyphenol oxide, which is not dissolve when heating. And it separate out as coagulation form. It should separate try best possible.

Follows factors can promote the coagulation shaped

1)Long time boiling. Boiling for two hours can shape large amount of coagulation. The pressure for boiling more higher, the temperature will be higher, thus need less time for protein separating out.
2)Wort boiling fierce exercise. Strongly boiling can aggravate action between protein and polyphenol.
3)Reduce PH value. The best PH value is 5.2 for shaping coagulation. So, the full vessl PH value should try best possible to reduce.
When wort boiling finished, it can be inspected by sight glass or glass bottle. The coagulation should suspend in the clear wort as floccule. Normally, the floccule shaped more big, which means the the protein separate out efficiency is better.

Cold coagulation

Composite shaped by protein resolvent in the wort and polyphenol, which exist as dissolve form when wort boiling and separate out as cold coagulation when wort cooling.

Note: Though after long time boiling, there still have less macromolecule coagulable nitrogen in the wort( lower 20mg/L). It can separate out from beer and result the beer cold haze.

Tags: beer brewing system brewery equipment

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