GrainBrew Blog

How is the cooling proces going?

Base on our standard configuration, the glycol cooling system will include glycol water tank, chiller (The second generation,the evaporator integrated in the chiller) etc. Also we can supply you cold liquor tank according to your demands.
Here let us learn about the cooling process together:)
The chillers all used for cooling the glycol(ice) water tank only.
The glyco water temperature cooled to about below zero 5 celsius degree.(equals about 23 fahrenheit).
If there no cold liquor tank, the glycol(ice) water tank will directly use for cooling the wort(in the heat exchanger) and fermenter/bright tank.
If there have cold liquor tank in the cooling system, then the glycol water tank will cool the fermentation tanks and cold liquor tank(it has glycol jacket).
The cooling theory is same fermentation cooling. The cold liquor tank will cool the wort in the second stage of heat exchanger. Our standard configuration will supply two stage heat exchanger.
By the way let's learn further about the heat exchanger (just for clarifying the process),it has two stages:
The first stage is to cool the wort by city water. The hot liquor tank will recyle the hot water from heat exchanger(in the first phase). The temperature of city water can reach about 40-50 celsius degree.(about 104-122 fahreheit).
The second stage is cool the wort to fermentation temperature by cold water.(from cold liquor tank)
Due to the wort temperature mostly decreased by city water in the first phase, the cold wort temperature will not have big change(change from 0 celsius degree to about 20 celsius degree) in the second phase. Usually it still can recyle into cold liquor tank.

Tags: beer brewing equipment Beer fermentation tanks

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