How to storage the hops
The hops keep valid compents in some period won’t change in the certain storage circumstance. There are many enviroment factors such as microorganism against、the oxygen function in the air、higher temperature or dumidity both can speed up the hops metamorphism and oxidation. The light also is harmful for hops storage and it can make hops turn white. So only in the circumstance of lower temperature、isolate oxygen,avoid light and dry can storage hops. Also will keep the color,flavor and content of α-acid.
As a concusion, there are some points need to notice:
1)The package should be tight,press and vacuum. Also can fill N2 or CO2 to isolate.
2)Storage at 0℃-2℃ and put on the wooden grid.
3)The warehouse of hops need to dry, relatively humidity below 60%. The indoor light need to dark and avoid the hops decolorization, also won’t storage peculiar smell products.
4)The hops should early use the early storaged and avoid overstock.
Besides to storage in the condition of hops products is a best method for keeping brewing value.
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