GrainBrew Blog

Opinion of the suitable expansion path for brewhouse

Questions on the brewhouse:

What do you think would be the best expansion path for the brewhouse? I recently visited a brewery with five vessels, a mash tun,later tun, wort receiver, kettle and whirlpool. I assume some of the vessels can have different roles as you expand.
About the consideration of the expanding capacity of the brewhouse, here are our opinions in below:
Firstly I guess the five-vessel brewhouse you visited should be larger like 3000L-5000L/brew.
For the large volume (usually above 5000L), people usually have higher expection /requirement on it's potential expanding capacity for future. For example 4-5 batches/24 hours is common to see in such capacities.
This is to take full use of such big brewhouse.Expanding based on the original brewhouse has relatively much smaller budget than replacing a new bigger brewhouse. This budget difference advantage is not obvious for smaller brewery as the smaller brewery is more flexible and easier to replace. For example:
If we totally replace a 1500L brewhouse to a 3000L brewhouse, the extra budget we need is around USD47000;If we expand the production capacity via adding extra vessels based on the 1500L brewhouse, the extra budget we need is around USD10000, so for small brewery, we can save USD37000 to adding extra vessels than replacing a new bigger brewhouse.
If we replace a 5000L brewhouse to a 10000L brewhouse, we need around USD200000; If we just add extra vessels, we need around USD30000, So We can save around USD170000 to adding extra vessels than replacing a new brewhouse. This is the budget-reason that expains that the larger brewhouse has much more necessity to have more vessels instead of relacing a new bigger volume.
Secondly, assuming that we brew 4 times per day with both a 4-vessel 1500L brewhouse and a 4-vessel 5000L brewhouse. We get much more beer(more beer means more margin) on the 5000L brewery but the similar work time and staff salary as the 1500L brewhouse. For the 1500L brewery, we are similar work load with the 5000L brewery but less beer.
So conidering from the 'paying' and 'harvest', the 5000L brewery is much worthy (more economical), isn't it?
So this explains why the bigger brewhouse has more necessity to have more vessels.
So on the question of seeking for the best expansion path for the brewhouse, this is only our opinion: For example:
1200l brewhouse project:
relaced with a 2400L brewhouse directly. We do not think it worthier to work long time per day to brew 3-4 times for expansion since you will pay more on employing staff , so we think it better to replace the brewhouse directly.
15 bbl brewhouse-20 bbl Brewhouse :
For saving the work load and salary-- replaced with the 30bbl or 40bbl brewhouse directly in future. Or for saving the budget on the equipment--building the 4 vessels brewhouse in advance.
Brewouse above 30 bbl: Building the 4 vessel or 5 vessel brewhouse in advance for expansion in future. Some customers would like to left the ports in advance to add more vessels in future.

Tags: beer brewing equipment Beer fermentation tanks

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