PH control of mash in micro brewery system
The PH of the brewing water at about 6.8-7.2 generally. The PH will be a bit lower after the milled malt was feed in, since the acidoid inside of the malt was dissolved out. But the PH now cannot meet the requirements of the Protein resting and mashing.
The malt is rich in various of enzymes which with their suitable PH ranges. It is not easy to meet all the requirements of different enzymes, but it is avaliable to make the PH of the mash approching the requirements of main enzymes, for example the PH requirements of the αamylase,βamylase,sucrase,R-enzyme etc between 5.2-5.6, so the most suitable PH of the mash should between 5.2-5.6 during actual production.
For adjusting the PH of the mash, besides handling about the brewing water, adding gypsum in the mashing water, the common method is adding food grade lactic acid, Phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid or Lactic acid malt in the brewing water, and make the PH within requested range.
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