The basic changes when wort boiling
According to process demands, the wort after lautering need to boil 1-2 hours, together adding certain hops. The bitterness and aroma substance can dissolved into wort by boiling, thus gives the beer refreshing bitter and joyful aroma. The wort after boil called finalize wort.
The changes during wort boiling as follows:
1) Hops bitterness substance dissolve and transation.
2) Solidifiable protein-Complexed polyphenol formation and isolation.
3) Evaporate surplux moisture, makes wort reach stipulated concentration.
4) Sterilize the wort.
5) Destroy enzyme activity absolutely, solid wort ingrenients.
6) Wort chroma rise.
7) Wort acidity increase.
8) Shape reductive material
9) The DMS contents changes.
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