The factors affecting the lautering of first wort
Generally the time for the lautering of first wort will takes about 75-105 min. There are several factors that will influence the lautering process..jpg)
1.The wort viscosity
The higher of the temperature, the lower of the wort viscosity, the faster of the lautering speed. The lautering time of 20°P wort is nearly 20% longer than the 15°P wort.
2.The resistance of grain bed
The resistance is smallest at the beginning of lautering, and it will becomes bigger and bigger during this progress.
3.The operations for lautering
The lautering operation is not changeless, some adjustments must be done according to the changes of resistance.
4.The quality of malt
The malt with better quality generally with a lower viscosity, a faster lautering speed and a shorter lautering time as well.
5.The dosage of the adjunct ingredients
The undissolved particles such as protein, hemicellulose, starch and lipid all will influence the lautering speed.
6.The malt milling method
The lautering speed of wet crushing is much higher than the dry milling and Humidifying crushing.
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