1. Recycling time
1)In the middle of primary fermentation, at 10℃ or 12℃。
2)After deoxidizing of diacetyl
3)When temperature is decreased to 5℃
4)When temperature is decreased to 0℃~1℃。
The yeast who stayed in the beer more than 7days is not suitable to be recycled, as long time storage in beer will decline the activity of yeast.
2.Recycling principle
In the later stage of fermentation, yeast paste settled in the bottom of the fermenter usually need to bear pressure of 0.19~0.24 Mpa. In order to protect the activity of yeast, we should discharge the yeast paste in the condition of bearing the pressure. Otherwise, a sudden drop of pressure will make yeast injured and even cracked resulting high death rate. In addition, due to sudden drop of pressure, the co2 in the yeast paste overflowed , it will make pure white yeast paste appear brownness color.
The yeast own strongest activity when residul sugar is decreased to 3.6~3.8 °p or before the second decrease temperature.
The recycled yeast should be clear, no impurity, no other germ in microscopic examination. At the same time, tidy cell, normal form and lower 5% methylene blue staining is also the standard.
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