What will effect the wort lautering?
During wort lautering, various factors which may have influence should be considered and try to eliminate or bring down the negative effect.
The main factors influencing the wort filtration as below:
1.The quality of raw materials
The wort made from the malt with good dissolution and suitale milling degree can lauter faster, or it will lauter slower.
2.The concentration of the mash
We all know the mash with higher concentration with higher viscosity, it will make the wort with poor fluidity and slow lautering speed. That’s why we should well control the ratio of the material and water. It is better to make the concentration of the first wort at 16-18°P, not exceed 20°P.
3.The temperature
The higher temperature makes the wort with lower viscosity, the loose grain bed will speed up the lautering. So the temperature general control between76-78℃.
4.The thickness of grain bed
The grain bed after reposed should control between 30-40cm, max cannot exceed 45cm. Too thicker will reduce the filtration speed, too thiner will be difficult to clarify the wort.
5.The PH of mash
The hydrogen ion concentration will effect the mash viscosity and the colloidal substance in grain, the PH between 5.5-5.8 will help for wort filtration, the speed will lower when PH higher.
6.The operation
Of course the operation of brewmaster also has big influence for the lautering speed, so we must well control the wort outflow speed, Proper reflux time, Thes uperincumbent grain raking etc.
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