Tiantai Blog

10HL Combined Beer Brewing Equipment with PLC Control from TIANTAI

Here is Sharon from Tiantai Beer Equipment Co., Ltd.
Welcome to visit our brewery equipment website!
Here we’d like to share this set of 1000l combined three vessel brewhouse beer brewing equipment with PLC control cabinet with you, if you are looking for such a set of machine for building or expanding your brewery business, please feel free to contact for an offer based on your wanted configurations, Cheers!
This is a set of 1000l beer brewing equipment with combined three vessel brewhouse controlled by the PLC auto control cabinet. The combined structure mainly means to save more room if the current available venue space is kind of nervous, the most popular selected combinations for this structure among our customers are mainly the Mash/Lauter/HLT+Kettle/Whirlpool Tun or Mash/Lauter/Kettle Tun+ Whirlpool Tun. This brewhouse layout could also reach the purpose of saving cost by saving one vessel.
The extended plate for easy collecting the spent grain out from the mandoor, sight glass are also available to be customized on the manhole for observing if prefers. The working platform could be designed according to your operational styles or fit in the venue blueprint.
Customized sink for washing with sight glass for observing the wort condition.
1000l fermentation tanks with customized logos on tanks body.
Other configurations and details to be discussed to meet your personal demands and special requests, we shall be honored to support you build your brewery dream in any way we can.
Email: [email protected]

Tags: Glycol cooling system Steam Heated

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