GrainBrew Blog

Should A BBT Be Obtained To Start Brewery From Beginning?

Hey this is Sharon here from Tiantai Beer Equipment Co., Ltd.
Welcome to visit our brewery equipment website!
Acquiring a bright beer tank or not at the very beginning of running a brewery business is usually considered and asked by our customers, the followings are several main points of whether the brite beer tank should be obtained from start of open a brewery based on our experiences, hope to be helpful if you are about to make such a plan or any related schedules:
1) Production Scale: If you are planning to start with a smaller-scale brewery or a brewpub, it may be more practical to begin with smaller fermentation vessels and forego a dedicated bright beer tank initially. In such cases, you can use your fermentation vessels for both fermentation and conditioning, eliminating the need for a separate bright beer tank.
2) Beer Style and Packaging: The type of beer you plan to produce and the packaging format you choose can influence the necessity of a bright beer tank. If you intend to produce and package primarily draft beer, you might not require a bright beer tank as much of the conditioning and clarification can occur within the serving tanks or kegs. However, if you plan to package your beer in bottles or cans, a bright beer tank becomes more essential to achieve the desired carbonation, clarity, and consistency.
3) Growth Plan: Consider your long-term growth plan for the brewery. If you anticipate expanding production capacity or introducing packaging formats in the future that necessitate a bright beer tank, it may be wise to invest in one from the start. This can save you the hassle and potential expense of retrofitting your brewery later on.
4) Financial Resources: Acquiring a bright beer tank represents another investment. Assess your available financial resources and budget carefully to determine if purchasing a bright beer tank from the beginning is feasible. If the budget is kind of limited, it could always be obtained once it gets better.
5) Brewery Design and Layout: The physical layout and design of your brewery space can also impact the decision. If you have limited space or constraints that make it difficult to accommodate a bright beer tank, you may need to explore alternative conditioning and clarification methods. Besides, the horizontal beer lagering tanks could also be nice options to save more space if ceiling height is allowed.
We’d be happy to help assess your specific needs and develop a comprehensive equipment plan that aligns with your brewery's goals and constraints, feel free to contact us anytime for more interested details please!
Other configurations and more details to be discussed to meet your personal demands and special requests, we shall be honored to support you build your brewery dream in any way we can.
Email: [email protected]

Tags: brewery equipment bright beer tank

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