GrainBrew Blog

Whirlpool tun with conical bottom or dished bottom

Whirlpool tun with conical bottom or dished bottom

beer equipment, whirlpool tun, beer brewing equipment

After wort boiling, whirlpool tun provides the separation of trub and clear wort. There are different kinds of whirlpool tun bottom: plate bottom, cone bottom, vaulted bottom, sloping bottom, etc. Today let’s talk about 2 kinds of typical style, vaulted bottom and cone bottom.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two styles?
The vaulted bottom is usually for bigger tanks, for example a 300HL brewhouse in industrial beer factory. This type of bottom can get more wort from the trub (hot break) than cone type. However, the trub will take a large area of the bottom.
In a big whirlpool tank, the wort outlet is far enough from the trub. The trub will not flow out with the wort. But in a small whirlpool tank, trub is too close to the wort outlet. Unavoidably, some trub will go into heat exchanger together with wort.
And a spray nozzle is necessary to be installed at the center of whirlpool tank bottom.
This is a supplement for the CIP ball in order to completely clean the trub at the bottom. Because it is hard for CIP ball to finish the work at this condition.

For cone bottom whirlpool tank, CIP liquids will flow into cone bottom, and then clean the trub. This is what we considered for mini brewery or micro brewery during design. so cone bottom whirlpool tun is the most popular style for mini or micro brewery.
Some of the industry brewery designs have been done some modification when apply to microbrewery. 

Tags: beer brewing equipment beer equipment

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