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What is internal calandria and when do we need it?

In beer brewing, the wort requires a long vigorous boil, normally of 60–120 minutes. Wort boiling releases bitterness from hops, reduces precursors for off-flavors, coagulates proteins, and renders the wort sterile. It is an expensive process because the energy costs increase with each minute of boiling. So if the boiling pot is relatively large (usually more than 1000L), we can add an internal calandria to the boiling pot to improve the heating efficiency.

What is calandria?

Calandria is a tubular heat exchanger that heats wort quickly and efficiently, enabling it to be boiled vigorously in the kettle.

When do we need calandria?

A calandria becomes necessary as brew kettles get larger and the volume of liquid to be heated starts to require a significant amount of additional power.  In microbrewery sized steam brewing systems, the steam heats the wort through the jacketing on the side walls and bottom of the kettle.  Enough heat can be transferred to provide a vigorous boil and evaporation rate.  But, because volume increases faster than the surface area of the tank as the tanks get bigger, there is less and less heating surface per gallon of wort.  In general, calandrias are mainly used on large brew kettles, perhaps 1000L and larger.  
Although the calandria can improve the heating efficiency, it also has disadvantages. Generally speaking, the calandria is very large and heavy, and it is placed inside the boiler, so it is difficult or frustrating to clean, having to get in the kettle and scrub it by hand. It isn’t very fun, especially when the kettle is still a bit hot and you need to get another batch underway quickly.

If you plan to brew or start your own brewery. TIANTAI could help you answer your questions and supply brewery equipment. We supply 2-150HL complete beer brewing equipment including malt milling equipment, brew houses equipment, beer fermenters /fermentation tank, brite beer tanks, beer bottling machine,beer canning machine, beer kegging machine, hopping machine, yeast propagation equipment. We also supply all auxiliary brewery systems like steam heating pipe and valves, water treatment, filter, air compressor etc. Everything in brewery are all in our list. 
Edited by Cassie
E-mail:[email protected]

Tags: brewery equipment brewhouse system

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